Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tropical Storm Creates Monstrous Sinkhole In Guatemala City

With all of this talk of the Mayan calendar and many looking at 2012 as the last year to fully embrace and enjoy life, such instances with Mother Nature aren't helping many to reject such claims.
Known as tropical storm Agatha, the first Pacific storm of the season left building in rubble, a number of fatalities and a large scar in the form of a sinkhole in Guatemala City.
The sinkhole, said to be caused by massive flooding, swallowed a three-story building.

Taking the lives of more than 150, which can be mostly accounted to flooding and landslides, Guatemala was struck Saturday and even caused a ripple effect, impacting El Salvador and Honduras as well.
It has been reported that the number of those dead could
rise as rescue workers are attempting to reach communities that have been isolated by washed out roads and bridges.
So far, 11,000 people have been evacuated and 10 killed along with 179 bridges being destroyed in El Salvador.  20 villages have been flooded by the Lempa River, according to officials, and the Acelhuate River could top its banks and flood the capital.
Thousands have evacuated their homes in Honduras as three more days of rain have been predicted in the forecast  and rivers are already swollen near its capital, Tegucigalpa.
Thousands across the region have been left homeless.
"The department has collapsed," Gov. Erick de Leon told the Associated Press. "There are a lot of dead people. The roads are blocked. The shelters are overflowing. We need water, food, clothes, blankets — but above all, money."

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