Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Playboy Magazine Going 3-D

With the movie world gradually making the transition into a 3 dimensional world, many other aspects of the media are taking advantage of the eye-popping experience for viewers to have the feeling like they can just reach out and touch it.

It would only make sense with such a mentality that Playboy magazine is using the innovative technology for their own use and introducing 3-D into the magazine.  The first attempt will be
a centerfold playmate photographed naked and in 3-D.
Maybe this is an instance where it's a good thing when objects appear closer than they really are.
In regards to the new method, Playboy founder Hugh Hefner kept it short and sweet.
“What would people most like to see in 3-D?  Probably a naked lady.”
Expect the 3-D centerfold in the June issue with a set of 3-D glasses.  Assembly required.

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