Thursday, May 31, 2012

HHW Exclusive: B.O.B. Reacts to Rising Career

original story posted December 21, 2009
As the 90s roster of rap continues to age, there has been an opening for the new generation to showcase their own particular talents and present a shift in the Hip Hop industry. 
Taking notes from legends of the past, the new school desires to keep the momentum alive for rap, but find a way to throw their own little flavor to usher something new for a changing crowd of listeners.
Atlanta's own B.O.B., also known as Bobby Ray, is one that has stepped in to shake the foundation.  A jack of all trades, Ray is a rapper, but also holds talents in being a
singer along with a producer that has played more instruments than most other rappers could even think of.
In a changing market such as this, differences can only set an artist at a higher plateau as they are unwilling to do what the radio hypes and only produce what they feel the audience will like.
Speaking with HipHopWired, the young rapper spoke on his career and his feelings towards how far it has come so far with him only being 21.
“It's surreal really.  I don't feel like everything has settled down.  I won't realize it until I stop and meditate and look at everything, then I'll start to realize, who what just happened?  Right now, it's just a dream, stuff just moves so fast.  Even when you're impatient, you'll get caught up on something.”
With all of the politics, gossip and BS that surround the industry and the life of a celebrity, Ray can only find one means to maintain his sanity and push forward with his music. 
“At the end of the day, it's the fans that keep me going.  You can be as successful as you want to be, you can make as much money as you want to make, but the fans, that's what keeps me going.”
Ray adds that something that a person love shouldn't have a price and the passion alone should be enough to keep a rapper coming back for more. 
“Honestly, when it comes to a career, if you wouldn't do it for free, there's no point in doing it.  You really have to enjoy doing it.  There comes a time when you'll make so much money that it doesn't matter anymore.  Will you still do it then?  I know I will.  I', not at that point yet.  Once I get to that point, I'll still be making music.”   
Without an album released yet, Ray has continued to keep his name in everyone's mouth while on his mixtape hustle with everything building up to The Adventures of Booby Ray, which is slated to drop in April of next year.  The music video for the first single, “Nothin On You” has already been released.

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