Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Black History Month: “Blood Done Sign My Name” [Trailer]

Original Story Posted February 11, 2010
It is an odd occurrence that Black History Month is seldom given focus on particular media outlets.
How can people truly celebrate the history without first acknowledging the trials and tribulations that happened yesterday to create a better tomorrow?
Releasing the film “Blood Done Sign My Name”, a true story is told of a Black Vietnam-era veteran, Henry Marrow, that is murdered with the assailant, allegedly, being a local White businessman, but is later found not guilty by the court, which consists of an all white jury.
That's nothing to be surprised by though.
Taking place in 1970 in North Carolina, the film focuses on a local high school teacher and the results of the decision as dictated by the civil unrest of the black community.
[Peep the movie trailer after the jump.]

Take some time to know your history if you were unaware.  Ignorance never pays off.
To deliver some food for thought, the film also places focus on the high school teacher, Benjamin Chavis.  Chavis, played by Nate Parker, is an African American civil rights leader and has been the CEO and Co-Chairman of the Hip Hop Summit Action Network since 2001, which he co-founded with Russell Simmons.
Chavis was also the first to coin the term environmental racism, defining it as  “Racial discrimination in the deliberated targeting of ethnic and minority communities for exposure to toxic and hazardous waste sites and facilities, coupled with the systematic exclusion of minorities in environmental policy making, enforcement, and remediation.”
In the Hip Hop community, he played "Minister" in the film Belly with DMX and Nas.
That's right folks, let's do our history and realize exactly what we represent.

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