Wednesday, May 30, 2012

“Racy” AKOO Billboard Removed

Previously reported, it seems that some weren't too comfortable with the presentation of the campaign for T.I.'s clothing line AKOO.
With a woman gripping the man's jeans at crotch level, being blown up to billboard size left a few uneasy and questioned the appropriateness.
After days of drawing more complaints over the “sexual” nature, a billboard will now be
taken down in Newark, New Jersey, according to The Star Ledger.
Residents of Jersey along with the negative press building from media outlets culminated in CBS Outdoor, the New York-based billboard company behind the questionable advertisement, rethinking the ads placement.
Although AKOO already released a statement in regards to the controversy behind the billboard, they have yet to provide any comment now that it is in the process of removal from its location.
Now, sexual ads may be presented everyday, but some contest that they are placed within magazines and now blown up and placed in a downtown intersection for the viewing "pleasure" of adults and children.
T.I. and Jason Geter, co-founders of the clothing line, aren't the only ones to stand behind such questionable images in promoting themselves.

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