Thursday, May 31, 2012

Asher Roth is the Gay Rapper?!?!

original story posted December 21, 2009
The rapper that first came out saying that he loved college and loved women may be playing to a new tune as of late as Asher Roth has come out of the closet.
Speculation has been running rampant for the past few months with allegations of the Gay Rapper in Hip Hop, but now the mystery has reportedly been solved. 
Roth will appear on E!News during the Christmas Holiday celebration to talk about his recent “coming out of the closet”. Asher was recently in attendance at a Gay Rights Parade with Lady Gaga, American Idol Winner, Clay Aiken, Blink 182, and REM lead man Michael Stipe.
There have been reports that he has been on numerous
rally's and marches over the past year, but he really became visible in the gay community with American Idol winner, Clay Aiken, of whom there were rumors that the two were dating.
Asher Roth will stand as the first major Hip Hop artist to ever admit that he is gay.
According to Loud Executive Vice President DJ Vlad, however, the news is only allegations being thrown out and he is not gay and will not appear on E!.
Reports have stated that he is currently residing in a “gay section” of New York. 
Roth officially declared his sexual preference in a novel that was created by Terrance Dean, who formerly is an MTV executive.  In the book titled Hiding in Hip Hop: Confession of a Down Low Brother in the Entertainment Industry”, there were no actual names mentioned as to who in the Rap industry was gay, but Roth decided to reveal the news to the world on his own.
Dean was actually happy that the rapper was able to step up to the plate and admit that he was one of the gay rappers as he preferred him coming out openly as opposed to Dean having to reveal the names that he spoke of in the novel.  
The world can only wait to see if the other alleged unnamed rappers stand up to confirm their lifestyle or continue to remain nameless.
Dropping his debut album Asleep in the Bread Aisle, rumors stated that he was dropped from SRC Records and is now in the process of shopping for another label deal to release his sophomore album.

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