Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Jay Electronica Responds to Lupe Fiasco's Invitation

Original Story Posted January 28, 2010
Reported earlier, Lupe Fiasco stated the admiration and respect that he has for Jay Electronica and his ability to rhyme.
He took it so far to say that he was fighting for the two to come together and create a collaborative effort for both lyricists to sink their teeth into.
It didn't take too long to get a response from Elec as the New Orleans rapper accepted and even added that people should expect to hear some noise from them much sooner that one would think.
Speaking with Brooklyn Bodega, Jay gave his R.S.V.P while giving Lupe
credit for his own work,
“We going to be on a track together in the immediate future. Thats my brother. He reached out. I got bad phone etiquette so it took me a minute to reach back. But we gonna reach, we gonna talk. We've been in communication and we're going to work. Thats my brother. And his sword is magnificent and he's a great god at what he does, you know what I'm saying. We're going to connect.”
Bad phone etiquette might not be the only issue to deal with.  Bringing up the project Act II is easily able to raise a few flags in regards to the rapper and his problem with procrastination.
Let's knock out that first project before we even go on to the next one.  The last thing Jay needs is to have his focus displaced even more.

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