Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Sex Offenders Being Banned From Facebook??

Original Story Posted: March 09, 2010

With sexual predators on the rise, especially on the Internet, Georgia is taking steps forward to place restrictions on sex offenders on popular social networks. 

Child predators and abductions occur at an alarming rate within the United States as adults are able to easily manipulate the youth that surf the Web aimlessly with curiosity. 

Introducing a new measure later today, State Rep. Rob Teilhet is attempting to give the Georgia Bureau of Investigation the authority to send the information of sexual offenders to
social sites such as Facebook and MySpace.

From doing so, the sites will then have the ability to have their information removed and create a roadblock so that these offenders won't be able to create a profile along with reporting any suspicious activity that they monitor to the state authorities. 
"The Internet is a powerful social and educational tool for our children. It should not be a danger-zone populated by pedophiles," said Teilhet, according to The Associated Press. 
In an attempt to make the movement more National, states such as New York, California and Oklahoma have already adopted the proposal or are in the process of considering it. 

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