Tuesday, November 5, 2013

KKK Hood Appears at University of California Amidst Racial Tension

Original Story Posted: March 03, 2010

With the racial tension continuing to build across the campuses of University of California, things may be on the verge of boiling past the point of return. 

Already fuming over the “Compton Cookout” and the noose found in one of the campus buildings, students were outraged with the announcement that a KKK-style hood was located on the campus grounds Tuesday. 

The hood was found by officials on a statue of children's book author Theodor Giesel, known to most as Dr. Seuss, outside the main campus library. 

Pushing the movement against intolerance, it was reported that close to 250 gathered to
condemn the relentless occurrences of racist actions that have been taking place recently. 

Outside of having Black students targeted, the Jewish community was another victim as a student had a swastika carved on her door, according to event organizer Marya Bangee. 

Reported by the Associated Press, some students expressed the disappointment in the institution and what seems to be allowed. 
"What kind of campus promotes an environment that allows people to think it's acceptable to target people for their ethnicity, gender or sexuality?" said Corey Matthews, one of about 200 mostly minority UCLA students who held a lunchtime rally. "It's something about the tone of the environment that allows this." 
Authorities have analyzed the pillowcase, fashioned into a KKK-style hood, and are trying to find any signs of fingerprints or DNA to further aid in finding the culprit, according to a statement released by the university. 

The worse part about this ongoing issue is the fact that those responsible probably find this as being something amusing and are kicking back laughing at the mayhem that have been created from such harsh incidents. 

One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all huh...I call bull****.

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