Monday, November 4, 2013

Georgia's Unemployment Rate Hits Record High

Original Story Posted: March, 03 2010  
"Georgia's unemployment crisis is deepening," Labor Commissioner Michael Thurmond said in a statement released early Wednesday. 
With a financial crisis that is showing no signs of diminishing, some states are still feeling the blunt trauma as the job market has ceased to open up nationally. 

Last reported back in January, the unemployment rate in Georgia is steadily climbing and it was announced today, by the state's commissioner, that it had
hit a new record.

With the previous high at 10.3 the month prior, the rate marked in at the top of the year was 10.4 percent.  This would show the rate going up 2 percentage points up from the 8.4 percent that was reported the previous year. 

Being crippled by an “expanding” job market that seems to be invite only, the state continue to implement cut backs on jobs. According to the Department of Labor, the Atlanta metro area, alone, lost 93,200 jobs, which is a 4% increase from January 2009.

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