Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Lawsuit Claims Facelift Killed Woman

Original Story Posted: March 04, 2010

In an attempt to restore youth, a mother in Massachusetts decided to go under the knife and have surgery to “transform her life”. 

The transformation, however, was not one that she expected, as Donna Ames, 49, lost her life.  In a lawsuit that was filed Wednesday in the Middlesex Superior Court, the family and lawyers for Ames are claiming that the procedure was the reason for her death. 

According to a summary that was written by the attorney's of her family, moments after the doctor administered anesthesia on Ames on July 10, 2009, her body, almost immediately, started to jerk violently and the oxygen in her blood purged. 

The woman had passed away by the time that the clinic was able to contact an ambulance for the emergency.  She had gone brain-dead

In regards to the claims, Lifestyle Lift, the company responsible for the procedure released a statement saying it was “very sorry about the sudden and unexpected passing of Ms. Ames.”  They had not seen the suit but added that their procedure is known as one of the safest due to its use of local numbing medication in place of general anesthesia. 

Andrew C. Meyer Jr., Ames' lawyer, stated that the anesthesia may have been the result of her death as she had a seizure and the levels of her blood pressure and oxygen dropped.  These drops could have been a side effect to the injections. 

This would not be the first time that the company faced legal issues. 

Lifestyle Lift stated last year that its procedure is safer and less invasive than traditional face lifts, operating in more than 40 centers nationwide.  The company, however, paid $300,000 in penalties and costs to New York State for publishing bogus consumer reviews. Ames is survived by her three children. 

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