Monday, June 4, 2012

Man Sentenced To Life For Murder of NY College Student

Original Story posted July 9, 2009
Darryl Littlejohn, 44, has dug his own grave and has now been sentenced to life without the possibility of parole for the murder of a graduate student from Boston, according to the Brooklyn district attorney's office.
Convicted Wednesday, Littlejohn was charged with first-degree murder last month in a case that spanned back to 2006 which lead to the death of Imette St. Guillen, 24, who studied at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Witnesses present at the trial stated they saw both Littlejojn and St. Guillen
departing from The Fall bar in Manhattan on February 25, 2006 where Littlejohn worked as a bouncer. Only hours later from this encounter, her body was found nude, wrapped in a blanket, and her face was bound by packing tape with a sock shoved down her throat. Her body was left in a lot in Brooklyn. Investigators were able to determine that she died of asphyxiation and showed evidence of being beaten and raped.
Before the actual sentencing the court heard from her older sister, Alejandra and mother, who told held their accounts of a sister and a daughter and how this is one hard time that she will not be able to get them through.
DNA that was compared to blood on the plastic ties used to restrain the woman was able to link Littlejohn to the crime. This evidence was sufficient for investigators to charge the man with the murder.
To make matters even worse, Littlejohn was already serving a sentence of 25 years to life for an attempted kidnapping in October 2005 of a Queen's college student. This woman, fortunately, was able to escape.
Both sentences will be served consecutively, according to Sarah McNaughton of the Brooklyn district attorney's office.
Joyce David, the attorney of Littlejohn, is in the process of filing an appeal and has continued to state that her client is innocent. This adds reason as to why Littlejohn did not issue an apology after being convicted. Although it may be true that he has an extensive criminal background, she stated that none of these criminal activities included abuse towards women. His defense believes that their client has been framed in a cover-up and has placed the murder on the manager of the bar.
The death of St. Guillen, along with various other bar incidents, has placed pressure on nightlife security and it has started become a requirement to have cameras and implement new methods to improve security.
The family of St. Guillen has hired a lawyer intending to sue Littlejohn for the $750 thousand that he had recently inherited.
Currently, Littlejohn has been imprisoned at Riker's Island.

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