Friday, July 6, 2012

Update: Mef Says Blame it on the Marijuana

original story posted October 7, 2009
Although Shyne may still be dealing with the unnecessary politics that is the United States of America and their treatment of immigration, rapper Method Man was able to make a quick route in and out of court.
After reports stated that the rapper voluntarily turned himself into authorities for charges of tax evasion Monday, the rapper was released as he waits for his next court appearance which should be some time around December.
"Taxes are a burden that all citizens share in a civil society, whether you're
an average Joe on the street or a high-profile rap artist," stated Staten Island District Attorney Daniel Donovan.
"Because of the alleged action of people like Mr. Smith, law abiding citizens face higher taxes and reduced government services."
Back in March, Tical spoke with New York's Daily News and put the blame on his fixation with marijuana. His heavy consumption of the drug, along with his music career, has resulted in him being unaware of particular things, no matter how important they might be.
“Myself, I'm a pothead.  It's no secret.  Everyone knows that.  I go on the road and forget everything else.”
Well, his love for the green has made him lose track of certain material possessions as the department of taxation was forced to repossess his Lincoln Navigator after failing to pay his $52, 503 owed.
The good old ganja also resulted in his arrest back in 2007 when authorities found 28 grams of it in his possession.  While stopping him for having an expired inspection sticker on his vehicle while passing through a toll, the officer smelled the sticky substance and even found that there were rolled blunts and bags of it in plain sight.  Mef even admitted that he had some more under the seat when he was questioned.
Weed has claimed many victims in the Hip-Hop game as Beanie Sigel was another that got caught slipping this summer due to habitual smoking.  Hell, even little Jojo was caught slipping.
Whether is it medicinal or recreational, especially recreational, that seven-leafed plant known as Cannabis isn't doing much to help out rappers.  Aside from being able to create mixtapes and albums while being zoned out, there comes a time when the smoke clears and reality will hit.  It has clearly hit many, and the revolving door that is the court system continues to spins for artists in Hip-Hop.

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