Friday, July 6, 2012

Police Baffled By Mass Murder

original story posted August 31, 2009
The body count has reached 8 as of Sunday as another person has died from an attack at a Georgia mobile home in Brunswick. This victim was one of the two that were hospitalized after being discovered alongside seven other bodies within the same house on Saturday morning, according to Glynn County Police Chief Matt Doering.
Michael Toler, 19, was the resident of the home and was also the first body to be identified by authorities. So far no information has been disclosed as to how the eight were killed as the ninth has been taken to a hospital in Savannah.
Clearly, all leads must be turning up with nothing as the search has made police resort to a new means by offering
a reward of $25,000 to anyone that has information pertaining to the ongoing case. There has been no clear indication whether the killer is still around.
"The person or persons responsible for this still remain unknown to us," said Doering, who added the killer could have fled to another county or even another state. "I cannot tell you if they are at large. I simply do not know."
One man has been arrested by police in connection to the case and was placed in jail Sunday. He is a family member that lived in the home and dialed 911 to make a report of the attack. He reported to authorities that he arrived to the home and “discovered” the bodies.
Guy Heinze Jr., 22, is currently facing charges of tampering with evidence, lying to police and illegal possession of prescription drugs and marijuana. There is doubt amongst authorities to the validity of his account of coming home to the scene. Although there is no concrete evidence as to whether Heinze was involved in the killings, Doering has stated that he will not rule out the possibility, but will not label him as a suspect.
This case serves as the worse murder case ever for the county, according to Doering.
With millions of questions and a lack of answers, residents have started to become frustrated as well as cautious as police have remained tight lipped about the situation.
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation started autopsies of four of the victims Sunday and will begin examinations of the other four today.

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