Friday, July 6, 2012

Update: Mef Says Blame it on the Marijuana

original story posted October 7, 2009
Although Shyne may still be dealing with the unnecessary politics that is the United States of America and their treatment of immigration, rapper Method Man was able to make a quick route in and out of court.
After reports stated that the rapper voluntarily turned himself into authorities for charges of tax evasion Monday, the rapper was released as he waits for his next court appearance which should be some time around December.
"Taxes are a burden that all citizens share in a civil society, whether you're

Coolio Pleads Guilty To Cocaine Possession Charges

original story posted June 29, 2009
90's rapper-turned-reality TV star Coolio, 45, whose government name is Artis Leon Ivey, Jr., plead guilty June 26 after being charged with possession of cocaine.
The rapper is known best for his hits in the mid-1990's which included “Gangsta's Paradise” and “Fantastic Voyage.”
The charges come from an incident on March 6th when he was arrested at Los Angeles International Airport, where cocaine was found inside a luggage during a search by authorities. Along with possession of cocaine, Coolio made matters worse by resisting arrest and getting a charge of

Police Baffled By Mass Murder

original story posted August 31, 2009
The body count has reached 8 as of Sunday as another person has died from an attack at a Georgia mobile home in Brunswick. This victim was one of the two that were hospitalized after being discovered alongside seven other bodies within the same house on Saturday morning, according to Glynn County Police Chief Matt Doering.
Michael Toler, 19, was the resident of the home and was also the first body to be identified by authorities. So far no information has been disclosed as to how the eight were killed as the ninth has been taken to a hospital in Savannah.
Clearly, all leads must be turning up with nothing as the search has made police resort to a new means by offering

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Mississippi Placing Civil Rights History in Curriculum

original story posted August 27, 2009
The state of Mississippi has extensive background and brutal history as it pertains to the days of the Civil Rights movement. From bombings to beatings to the Ku Klux Klan, there has been a long rap sheet of occurrences. It is with this that ignited the idea as the state is preparing to test a program that will teach students of the history starting from kindergarten and stretching all the way to high school.
Such a program will immortalize Mississippi, in a sense, as it will be the first state to provide instruction and teachings of the Civil Rights history for students in grades K-12, according to the Education Commission of the States. As of now, the idea has struck the interest of four school systems as they have asked to be

Clark Atlanta University Grad Sells Himself on eBay

original story posted August 21, 2009
Desperate times have called for desperate measures and some people will go through extremes in order to accomplish a goal. In the case of Clark Atlanta University alumni, Terrance Wyatt, he has decided to place stock in himself as he places himself on eBay and selling himself for $10,000.
Such a drastic move seems to have come from a man that may have felt that his back was firmly pressed against the wall as he was eighteen credits shorts of graduating and was one that was not privileged to receive an abundant amount of financial aid along with the university not being the place to look for in terms of receiving the necessary funds. At this point it seems as though Wyatt, 23, has looked to all of his resources and this is the last option he feel has been presented with.
As far as the actual ad that he presented to potential buyers, which has since been pulled by eBay, Wyatt

Struggling HBCUs Move to Internet

Original story posted August 21, 2009
In trying to survive during such harsh times, it has become necessary to take particular measures. For historically black college universities, the struggle has led one to provide higher education through means of online classes.
Morris Brown, once an acclaimed faction of the Atlanta University Center, which includes the likes of Spelman College, Clark Atlanta University and Morehouse College, has been going through trials ever since losing its accreditation in 2002 and has held on tight to stay afloat. A solution for now has been for the school to launch

Gates' Arresting Officer Gets Standing Ovation

original story posted August 18, 2009
Since the controversial arrest of the astute Harvard professor, Henry Louis Gates Jr., Sgt. James Crowley has made friends with the spotlight. In his latest stint with the lights, camera and action, Crowley received a standing ovation from thousands of police officers Monday when he made the opening speech of a five-day Fraternal Order of Police convention.
According to the Associated Press, more than police officers stood and applauded Crowley when he spoke at the Long Beach Convention Center. When he wrapped up his opening statements, his fellow officers stood and approached him for pictures as he left the stage.
"The past month has been very difficult for my family, my friends and my colleagues back in Cambridge, and it's no exaggeration to say that